Online Painting Class Service
Since 2020
Innovate your virtual team building with our Painting Classes! Since 2020, we have making been delivering Painting Kits with everything your team members need necessary for learning and we ship all over the world! We can have your learning kits shipped to your class participants in 3-5 days! Schedule your Zoom Class or watch one of our complimentary online painting classes on Youtube or Facebook.
Pick from over 200 Designs for your Class.
We can invoice for one total payment for your Online Zoom Art Instruction Service.
Zoom Online Classes last approximately 2-2.5 hours.
We have Gigiblast High Speed internet.
Zoom Pro Account to handle large volume of students is available upon request. *Extra Fees may apply for this upgrade over 100 students.
We require a minimum of 10 participants for a Private Zoom Class.
We provide everything you need to learn how to paint & create your project.
The same learning class experience from the studio now brought to you online!
Please contact us for pricing with email link below.
I look forward to working with you!
Thank you again and Have a Wonderful Day!
Tipsy Artist